Support SB 478 to protect Oregon’s children
As a family physician who practices preventative medicine, I read with interest the March 2 article on Senate Bill 478 to protect children from toxic chemicals in children’s products.
It’s encouraging to see Oregon address a health threat too long ignored. Doctors and families can’t fight the rising tide of chronic disease alone – we need help.
Science increasingly suggests that chronic disease has its origins in early childhood. Infants exposed to hazards during critical windows of development may spend the rest of their lives fighting uphill battles against chronic disease. Among early life hazards are the carcinogens, endocrine disruptors and developmental and reproductive toxic chemicals in products that children use every day.
It’s no surprise that the Toy Industry Association objects to Oregon’s proposal that manufacturers track, report and replace hazardous chemicals. After all, no single toy or single company is to blame. But when thousands of children’s products on the shelves contain dozens of hazardous chemicals, it’s time to do something – and it’s Oregon’s responsibility to act.
Our state pays a high price for chronic disease. We shouldn’t continue to pay while we wait for someone else to reduce risk.
Evelin R. Dacker, M.D.
Source: http://www.statesmanjournal.com/story/opinion/readers/2015/03/11/support-sb-478-to-protect-oregons-children/70160552/